Results for 'Hirachand Liladhar Jhaveri'

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    The sāṁkhya-yoga and the Jain theories of pariṇāma.Indukala H. Jhaveri - 1990 - Ahmedabad: Gujarat University.
    On the concept of pariṇāma (change and permanence) in Hindu and Jaina philosophy.
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  2. Jaina darśana aura vijñāna.Jethalala Esa Mahendrakumar & Jhaveri (eds.) - 1992 - Lāḍanūṃ, Rājasthāna: Jaina Viśva Bhāratī Iṃsṭīṭyūṭa.
    Articles on Jaina philosophy and science.
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  3. Cervical cancer screening in Nepal: ethical considerations.Bishal Gyawali, June Keeling, Edwin van Teijlingen, Liladhar Dhakal & Arja Aro - forthcoming - Medicolegal and Bioethics:1.
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